I get acupuncture ever other week or more. It's just one of the things I do to stay healthy. It's hard to understand from a western standpoint how acupuncture makes us healthier. But the best word to describe it might be balance. Acupuncture brings balance to all the systems in the body. It does this through acupuncture points that were mapped out more than 3000 years ago and have been in constant use and scrutiny. These acupuncture points affect our organs making them healthier. Healthy organs lead to overall balance of all the systems that work to keep us so healthy that we don't even have to think about it. Acupuncture also cuts stress and can even affect the way that the body reacts to stress. Acupuncture cuts inflammation which is good for just about everything. Our regulars here are some of the healthiest people around. So I recommend you come in and stay healthy.
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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