Acupuncture Center of Richmond Va: Stop Smoking Treatments
* Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular as a method for helping to quit smoking. The most common protocol for this is a set of five acupuncture points in the ear and is called the NADA protocol (for National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) and was developed to treat any type of addiction. We use this protocol, but add to it a few more ear points as well as some body points to enhance the treatment. The smoking cessation treatments serve to help with withdrawal as well as to detoxify the body. Ear seeds, which are small seeds on an adhesive backing, are applied to the ear after each treatment to continue the process in between treatments. Call (804) 754-5108 for any questions or to set up a free consultation or to make an appointment.
* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Copyright Acupuncture Center of Richmond 2011.