Treating Allergies with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs
Using Chinese medicine to treat allergies became an important part of our practice soon after we started to practice in the Richmond area. Because as you probably know allergies here are as bad or worse than any other part of the country. Allergies can be thought of as an overreaction of our immune system to allergens in our environment. In Chinese medical theory this overreaction corresponds to an imbalance in the energies of the body. An acupuncture treatment works to correct these imbalances. Our patients usually see a positive change after just a couple of treatments for allergies. After better balance is achieved the patients may just come in seasonally when their allergies are flaring up. We also offer some very effective Chinese herbal formulas that safely treat any remaining symptoms. One advantage to treating your allergies with Chinese medicine is that there are no side effects. Most antihistamines and prescription medications as well as over the counter ones have side effects ranging from increase in appetite to increased risk of dementia. If you want to treat your seasonal or constant allergies more naturally then acupuncture can be a great fit. Currently we have a 3 visit introductory special for treating allergies which includes 20% off any herbal formulas. Click here for more info on the allergy package.