Acupuncture Center of Richmond Va: Treating Back Pain and Sciatica
* Back pain and sciatica is something that we specialize in at our center. Yes, we treat all types of pain. But back pain and sciatica are issues where we have developed (in over 17 years of practice) a specific protocol that our patients testify to the effectiveness of. We treat back pain and sciatica at the Acupuncture Center of Richmond usually several times each week. To treat the back/sciatic nerve we will use a combination of acupuncture, specific Master Tung acupuncture points, and ear acupuncture, usually followed by cupping. Regarding sciatica, it often starts in the lower back and the pain usually travels through the glute muscle and perhaps down the leg sometimes as low as the ankle or even into the bottom of the foot. Even though the back is usually involved there may or may not be pain in the back area. The path of the pain can vary and often will change in direction and intensity. When treating back pain/sciatica we are not only treating the pain but also treating the root cause of the problem whether it be muscular or spinal in nature. Click here to get information about our current specials which includes a 3 visit special that most of our back pain and sciatica patients will use.
*individual results may vary.
Copyright Acupuncture Center of Richmond, Midlothian VA 23113.