Acupuncture can be used to treat almost any condition that you would go to a regular western doctor for. So, our practice is similar in scope to a general practitioner's. But most acupuncturists do have specialties and ours include pain of any sort, anxiety, stress, depression, and chronic pain and illnesses.
We tend to treat a lot of pain cases especially back pain, sciatica and other musculoskeletal pain like hips or knees, elbow, neck, hip, shoulder etc. We also see many migraine patients. We use cupping to supplement the acupuncture in almost all pain cases.
We started studying Acupuncture and Chinese medicine in 2001 and after 4 years of training with Chinese doctors started practicing in Richmond and Midlothian in 2005.
Why Choose Acupuncture Center: • Specialists in both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions. • Specialists in back pain and sciatica. • 18 years Experience treating a wide range of conditions. • All 5 star revews on Google and Yelp. • Acupuncturist at Healthvisions MD concierge medical clinic. * Red light therapy available for pain.
The Acupuncture Center of Richmond started out in Richmond proper but our office is now in Midlothian VA on Huguenot Road near Chesterfield Town Center.
Copyright Acupuncture Center of Richmond Midlothian Virginia 23113.
How We Treat pain (one of our main specialties)
At the Acupuncture Center we have been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and also have trained extensively in Master Tung acupuncture, which is a specialized type of acupuncture especially good for pain issues like sciatica, back pain, neck pain, hip pain and pain in the extremities. We trained with the late Dr Tan who brought the Balance Method for pain into the modern age.
Some other types of practitioners are doing cupping these days because it is so effective. We have been doing cupping literally 5 days a week for nearly two decades. We feel like experience matters in acupuncture and also in cupping.
If you want to skip the surgery and the pain medications or if you have tried most other things to no avail, acupuncture could be the exact treatment method you need to get out of pain and get your life back. It’s been doing so for over 2000 years and counting. Click here to see our current rates, specials and discounts.
How many treatments will I need?There are so many variables involved that it’s hard to accurately say, but a vast majority of people will need more than one treatment. Click here for our prices, latest packages, and specials. Call or text us at (804) 754-5108 with any questions or to make an appointment.
Copyright Acupuncture Center of Richmond Midlothian Virginia 23113.