Acupuncture Center of Richmond Va: Treating Pain
* Acupuncture is known to be a powerful solution for pain. It works on most pain, from localized pain due to injury or degeneration to all over pain of unknown origin. This is because of how acupuncture work. Simply put, acupuncture unblocks blockages in the body, and according to acupuncture theory where there is a blockage there is pain. So an acupuncture treatment, by definition, works some on pain, even if you are getting a treatment for say depression or infertility. An acupuncture treatment treating pain however is specifically directed towards pain in general, and to the specific painful area. Acupuncture's goal is not to just deaden the pain, its goal and method seeks to treat the root of the pain and thus heal the patient.
Pain is one of the primary specialties of our clinic and we treat it every day and have for nearly 20 years. We tend to use acupuncture in combination with other methods such as cupping or electo-acupuncture and sometimes Chinese herbal formulas to enhance the treatment. We trained with the late Dr Tan who taught the Balance Method to treat pain and also have trained extensively in Masters Tung acupuncture which we use mainly for treating pain. Acupuncture usually works pretty fast, and most patients will get significant pain reduction as soon as after their first treatment. Of course each patient and each condition is unique and so results are also unique. For any questions or to set up a complementary consultation or appointment call us at (804) 754-5108 or text us.
* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
Copyright Acupuncture Center of Richmond Midlothian Virginia 23113.