Acupuncture Center of Richmond Va: Treating Anxiety Stress and Depression
*One of the most effective applications of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is in the treatment of anxiety and stress. If you have ever had an acupuncture treatment for anything else then you know that acupuncture causes deep relaxation to happen. From a Western perspective this might be explained as the release of endorphins, or perhaps a relaxing of the sympathetic nervous system (our fight or flight mechanism). From a Chinese perspective, the reason it works so well for anxiety is that it causes the energy in your body to flow more freely. Anxiety and stress in the body cause a tightening of the tissues and a situation where energy and fluids do not flow smoothly. This flow is responsible for keeping the body healthy and pain free and feeling good. So acupuncture works for anxiety and stress conditions because it naturally brings better flow and relaxation to the body. The relaxation that it brings feels very natural, almost like something you lost that you once had many years ago. So the mechanisms that cause anxiety and stress are lessened with the first acupuncture treatment and over time can cause the body to react differently to stress. If needed there are several effective Chinese herbal formulas that we sometimes will recommend to treat this condition between treatments. If you have any questions give us a call at (804) 754-5108 or send us a text.
* Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
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