A popular diet that is making the rounds right now is the keto or ketogenic diet. Basically you are eating high levels of fats (and very low levels of carbs) in order to kick your body into ketosis, where it must start burning fat instead of glucose. I have been trying this diet for nearly 3 weeks and I can tell you that it works (at least for me) as a way to lose weight. As of today I have lost 7 pounds (my goal is 2 months and 10 pounds). Also, I feel really good on this diet. My energy is more consistent and my brain feels a bit sharper (even my eyesight is better). This makes sense because the brain basically runs off of fat. The diet has also taught me that sugar is so much a part of our diet here in the US. I knew this but didn't realize how much so until I started reading the labels of everything I eat. Sugar is indeed everywhere. We are all addicted to it. Things that you would never guess had sugar are laced with it. Why? Because its addicting, it keeps you coming back for more. At the least I have broken this addiction for now with this diet and I hope that I will not go back to eating sugar at any where near the levels I did before. If we would all do this I know we, as a country would benefit greatly. My mother still calls diabetes sugar diabetes. That's what it used to be called before the sugar cartels lobbied to change it. So its been worth it trying this diet out. More later...
Chinese medicine can be used as a potent tool in treating chronic illness. The way that acupuncture and Chinese medicine treats chronic illness is from the inside out. Chinese medicine always cures illness by promoting health. Chinese medicine is very old and wise. Western medicine is very young and not always so wise. Chinese medicine is more yin and western medicine is more yang, meaning Chinese medicine nourishes the person to cure illness while western medicine tries to kill the illness. The western approach works very well for treating infectious disease where there are actually bugs that need to be killed. But in chronic illness there are no bugs, so using the same types of methods does not work and will usually make things worse in the long run. As it takes a long time to develop a chronic disease, it takes time to reverse it. But using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to nourish the body back into balance makes more sense.
AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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