As I mentioned last post I like books, and I like recommending the ones that I really find helpful. So here are 5 more:
1. Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. This is a fairly technical book but really explains well why too many carbs in our diet is really the major reason for obesity, diabetes and a host of other health issues. 2. Simplified Tai Chi Chuan by Shou Yu Liang. Tai Chi is one of the best best ways to exercise as we age. Randomized scientific studies have shown that older people who do tai chi have a much lower rate of falling. Tai Chi is also good for the bones, arthritis and overall health. It is not so easy in this area to find tai chi classes, so why not teach yourself and then maybe you can teach others. This book will get you started. 3. Face Reading in Chinese Medicine by Lillian Bridges. A fascinating introduction to an ancient Chinese diagnostic tool. My wife is a noted face reader and it is amazing what she can tell you about yourself by looking at structures and wrinkles of the face. You will also learn about the 5 Element Theory which in integral part of Chinese philosophy. 4. 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Ester Gokhale. This book is mainly about good posture, and shows how indigenous people seem to have much better posture and a lot fewer musculoskeletal problems. 5. Keto Adapted by Maria Emmerich. This is an excellent book on the the ketogenic diet that tells you what you need to know to really make it work. The keto diet has been shown to help with many severe health problems ranging from diabetes to Alzheimer's to cancer. It is also a great way to lose weight and keep it off.
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I feel like I have learned an enormous amount about health over the last nearly 20 years of using acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat injury and illness. What might amaze me the most is that the theory that underlies our medicine is so wise and so applicable to treating illness and staying healthy even 3000 years after its theory was first laid down. People ask me what kinds of things that Chinese medicine can treat and I say, 'pretty much everything.' And this is true. We use Chinese medicine for ourselves for anything that comes up. So, with this is mind here are a few reasons I think it is important to get acupuncture on a regular basis:
1. it wards off illness. My longtime patients tell me that they just get sick less often. 2. it cuts stress and anxiety. All of us have stress and my regular patients tell me that getting acupuncture is a big factor in reducing their day-to-day stress level. Also, this ties in with the first reason, because the lower your stress the less likely you will get sick with a cold our flu and also more serious chronic ailments. The fact that I have over 300 books on my Kindle tells you what I think about the written word. And there are some great health-related books out there that I have found that give incredible advice to the layman. What is more important than your health? And what better way to really dive deep into a subject than reading a whole book. Here are 5 books on health that I highly recommend:
1. Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox by Kate Rheaume-Bleue. Talks about the little known issue that if we are vitamin K2 deficient (most of us are) the Calcium that we intake can go into our arteries instead of our bones and cause heart disease and maybe even Alzheimer's. 2. Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss. Tells how big food use scientists to manipulate the ratio of salt sugar and fat in processed food in order to achieve maximum consumption of their product and encourage addiction. 3. 3 Minutes for a Pain-Free Life by Joseph Weisberg. This book shows you how to keep your joints healthy by doing a daily 3 minute exercise routine. 4. Big Pharma - How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients by Ben Goldacre . An eye-opening book that tells the frightening tale of big pharma's manipulation of data and cooking of drug trials to make their new drugs seem more effective and safe than they really are. 5. Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living by Kathleen Potter. Most of us can stand to improve our posture and this book will tell you how. Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease and can be tough to get rid of. And some of the drugs that are prescribed by doctors for this condition are quite scary. They are scary because in order to treat autoimmune diseases the drugs given actually want to weaken and suppress the immune system. Of course we need a healthy immune system to stay alive, so to me this doesn't seem like a good solution even if it clears up the psoriasis. In Chinese medicine all skin conditions are treated from the inside out. We see any skin eruption as the body's attempt to eject something from the body that is dangerous to its health. In many cases and in the case of psoriasis this is inflammation. Another example would be measles sores which are used to vent out the infection in the body, to expel it. The body is very wise to do this, but of course psoriasis is not something that is pleasant. So to cure this you really must attack the inflammation. If you can reduce the inflammation than there is no need for the psoriasis eruptions. In our clinic this is done with acupuncture and some herbal formulas. Our success rate for this condition is good.
AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
February 2025
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