Hand pain is something that we see surprisingly often in our clinic. One reason is likely because surgery is often the only option offered by regular docs. Much like foot surgery, hand surgery is often not very successful, mainly due to the complexity or our hands (and feet). Cortisone shots are usually temporary and very painful in this area. Acupuncture is really an ideal thing to try for the hand, simply because of the number and strength of acupuncture points in the hand. The strongest, most effective acupuncture points are considered to be those below the the elbows and knees. Because of this we usually see good results in just a few sessions. Acupuncture can restore natural function to the hands.
Arthritis in Chinese medicine can be due to several causes. We find and treat the ROOT cause of the pain to effect true and lasting healing. We also treat the pain so while you are healing from the inside out you will also feel better. For a more holistic approach to healing acupucture and Chinese herbal formulas can be a great solution and have been for over two thousand years.
AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
November 2024
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