Bell's Palsy is a condition that traditionally responds extremely well to Acupuncture. In fact many physicians recommend that their patients with the condition get acupuncture. With Bell's Palsy it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. Bell's Palsy seems to be one of those conditions that can often get entrenched, and the longer you wait the the tougher it can be to resolve. However even patients who have had the condition for a year or more can see significant improvement, it just takes longer. Most of our recent onset patients see marked improvement after just a couple of visits. We also have several traditional herbal formulas that can hasten recovery.
We call this time of year and into summer sciatica time because we see more cases of sciatica during this time. We use traditional Chinese style acupuncture as well as Master Tung acupuncture for most sciatica cases. The method we use can get you out of pain in just a few treatments. If you have sciatica, acupuncture and cupping can help you heal naturally. Call or text to (804) 754-5108 to ask any questions, for a consultation, or to set up an appointment.
Tendonitis is a condition that can be tough to get rid of. The main reason for this is that tendon tissue naturally does not get a great supply of blood. Because of this, when a tendon is injured, it often does not heal as fast as tissue that gets a ready supply of healing blood. Acupuncture by its very nature increases the circulation to the area being treated and thus promotes quick healing. Sometimes we can do cupping in the area to speed things up even more. Call or text us to get help with this condition. (804) 754-51078.
Seasonal allergies is a condition that we see very often at the Acupuncture Center especially in the Spring. Acupuncture and some really good herbal formulations that we have been using for many years can be a good healthier alternative to taking pharmaceuticals. Our patients usually get very good results with using acupuncture for allergies. And the herbal formulations do not make you drowsy or have any other side effects. Also, remember that we can work on multiple issues in a treatment, so be sure and tell us if we can address other issues as well. Give us a call or send us a text to set up a treatment. (804) 754-5108
AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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