We see back pain cases essentially daily at the Acupuncture Center. One reason may be that there are just so many people out there with back pain. Its a vulnerable area or our body. In fact most of us will have some amount of back pain at some point in our lives. Another reason we feel like we are seeing more back pain is that acupuncture is becoming more accepted as a viable alternative to the usual western treatments which are pills, surgery, or physical therapy. Recent scientific studies have shown that it works very well for pain in general and back pain in particular. Also, the Olympics brought attention to cupping, a Chinese medicine staple, that has actually been popular there for over four thousand years. We almost always will do cupping after an acupuncture session for back pain. We treat back pain with more of a holistic approach, looking not at just the back but the body as a whole, to solve the problem and make the back less susceptible to injury.
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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