We treat patients with migraines several times a week at the Acupuncture Center. As many of our patients will tell you, acupuncture and herbs can often be very effective for this condition. I find that if we combine acupuncture and herbal formulas that patients will usually be much better in a few visits. This can be life changing and many patients have told me that. The pharmaceutical drugs that are given for migraines are not really treating the root cause, and if the cause is not treated then, even though you might dull the pain, the condition is really getting worse and more ingrained in the body. Illnesses start more superficial in the body and move inwards with time. So its best to address a problem before it gets deeper and more permanent in the body. With Chinese medicine we always go after the root cause. This is just how Chinese medicine developed over many millennia. If the root of the problem is addressed the issues goes away, its over. If the root is not addressed the illness usually will become more severe and harder to eradicate.
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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