Treating back pain with acupuncture and cupping works even better sometimes when Chinese herbs are adding to the mix. Not all patients want or need to take herbs, but some will benefit from taking herbs in between treatments. With Chinese herbal formulations we are basically doing two things: First of all we are cutting inflammation. Injury, whether acute or chronic, usually comes with some level of inflammation and it can be essential for healing to cut some of this inflammation. Secondly in treating back pain with Chinese medicine we want to move the blood in the area. Most of the formulas we use for back pain will do both of these things to help healing take place. These formulas contain herbs that have been found to specifically target back pain. The formulas are extremely safe. There are virtually no side effects to Chinese herbs because the formulas have been modified and improved, sometimes for literally a thousand years. So, Chinese herbal formulations can be very specific for treating back pain and can speed up healing when used in between acupuncture treatments. Be sure and check our our pain special by clicking here.
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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