Many new patients ask, 'does it hurt?' Of course they are asking about the needles. Many people are curious about acupuncture. But just as many people are not curious or don't even consider acupuncture, because of the needles. Almost everyone we see who is concerned about the pain involved breathes a sigh of relief after we insert the first needle and - they don't even feel it. So the answer to this question is that the needles are almost never an issue. Acupuncture is not painful, but it is very relaxing. After the needles are inserted the patient gets to relax for around 35 minutes. Many will fall asleep. Acupuncture causes a deep relaxation in most people beyond the normal state of relaxation. Some say acupuncture actually calms the sympathetic nervous system, the fight of flight response. For many people getting acupuncture does not even cross their minds until a friend or family member tells them of their great results, or a pet gets great results from it. Acupuncture is getting more and more popular more and more accepted and commonplace.
1 Comment
9/11/2020 12:25:57 pm
I was surprised when you explained that a lot of people actually fall asleep while receiving acupuncture treatment. I've been really stressed out with work and family issues for the last few months and am willing to try anything to help at this point. I'm glad I read your article because now I understand how fully relaxing acupuncture can actually be!
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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