Just like people, animals are relying more and more on acupuncture and Chinese medicine to stay healthy. I often get asked if we work on animals and the answer is no. In Virginia at least you must be a veterinarian to treat dogs and cats and horses (horses get lots of acupuncture). But just as we get referrals from happy patients, animals indirectly refer us to their owners. I have had many patients who never though of acupuncture for themselves until their dog or cat or horse got great results from their acupuncture treatments. When I was still in acupuncture school I took my dog who was having terrible seizures to her vet who also used Chinese medicine. She suggested some acupuncture and the Chinese herbal formula ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang. The seizures went away. This formula also was a tonic, so my dog actually got stronger from it. If I had put her on phenobarbital the seizures might also have stopped. But lacking the tonic effect of the Chinese herbs, the underlying condition most likely would have gotten worse. Most animals, like most of us, find acupuncture unusually relaxing. I've never seen it in person, but I hear when horses get acupuncture that almost immediately their heads will bow as they relax.
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AuthorMonte Jackson, owner Acupuncture Center of Richmond Archives
August 2024
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